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Allpoetry Contest

As some people may have noticed I have practically published all of my poetry on a website called Allpoetry first. It's a nice place to start out for poets.
One nice feature on Allpoetry is that the site allows everyone to hold poetry contests. So I have been holding one of those and would like to present to you the three winners of that contest!
I'll be doing that over the next couple of weeks, depending on how quickly I can get everything together.
I hope you can enjoy their poetry as much as I did!

To make this post a little more substantial, have a nice picture from my youth:

When I first discovered my passion for writing and such, I was maybe 13 or 14 years old. I would spend lots of time after school writing and reading books and listening to music. But I would spend even more time doing all that during my summer break. Because I didn't have to get up in the morning, I basically spend all night up writing and reading and listening to music and eating and being on my mother's slow-ass laptop.

Subsequently, this is what my room looked like during summer breaks. What we see here is:

  • several, completely non-related books I was reading simultaneously
  • the charging cable from the laptop
  • an empty bowl that once contained of some food, probably fruits
  • a bottle of cheap coke
  • a binder, paper, a notebook and pens without end
  • a walkman, earphones and CDs
  • several clothing item. I have no idea what they were doing there

Take from that what you will. It fueled my creativity at the time.


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