"Yeah, maybe I should have prepared you for this..." I said, scratching my head as I watched my friends make themselves at home in my parents' house. This all had been a pretty last-minute decision. I had been planning to go an visit my parents for a while now, and I had also planned to take a few friends with me. But then there were just more and more people that signed up for this trip, including my husband, my sister-in-law, my brother-in-law, my best friend and my husband's best friend, plus a couple he knew from school. Honestly, we barely knew them. I had no idea what the hell they were doing here. You were there, too. I had no idea how you even got here, but you somehow just showed up and joined our little group and you honestly just fit right in. My parents were probably the most suspicious about you, with your bright pink hair and your almost feminine features. But damn was I glad to have you around. "Maybe? You should definitely have prepared us...