This picture is from the first time I went on vacation on my own for a full two weeks. Before I had only ever gone for a week max, but this summer I was going to Ireland for two full weeks, so I could do all the stuff that I wanted to do: going fishing, going swimming and most of all: going swimming the Atlantic. That was the one single goal I had that summer. This picture shows me achieving it.
Light travels fast, light travels far, come and travel with me and with light... far, far away... to the farthest realm... darkness surrounds me, but soon the sky lights up with millions and millions of stars and I am not alone. Oh, sweet cosmic abyss, embrace my poor soul and make me immortal, so I can see... so I can feel... all the universes... all the universes out here... swimming through time until the end of it and the start of a new time in oh so many dimensions... spread out, crumbled up, sticking together, floating, rolling, turtleneck dimensions.
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