i. Bán
Frost covering the early morning ground,
white cloth covering the body,
skin pale as a ghost,
my mind blank and empty.
ii. Geal
The day clearing up,
swans on the cold lake,
enjoying the few days before snow falls.
iii. Liath
The colour of the sky
matched the grey mist
covering the roads and
roaming through the ancient ruins,
looking dull and colourless
on this autumn day.
iv. Buí
Sunlight and corn are gone,
his sallow skin fading
with his life.
v. Dearg
The blood on the road,
I ran from it.
It was too real, too intense,
too red.
vi. Rua
The night before was a stormy night.
I should have noticed the red hair,
shining like copper.
It was too late and now evil rust
is eating away at my soul.
vii. Gorm
Bruises on the skin,
right where the car hit him,
deep-blue eyes like the sky,
closed forever now.
viii. Glas
The sea is raging today,
the cold sky is pushing the weight
of this new guilt on me.
ix. Uaine
I was too distracted,
not seeing the bright green
jumper he wore.
x. Donn
The cattle beside the road
is the only witness.
Hiding behind some timber
I watch them take away his body.
xi. Dubh
In the dark shadows of the night
I move.
My heart is black with sorrow,
my soul is sold in secret
to the evil one.
First published here.
Okay, so here is my wacky explanation to what inspired this poem. It was basically two things. First, this tumblr post about the Irish words for colours:
Second, it was this song:
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