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So now, as promised, here are some wedding pictures. I didn't take any of these pictures, so credit goes to all kinds of people who sent them to me. And none of those are the professional photographs yet, as those will take about 4-6 weeks to edit and all. They are all amateur pictures taken by friends and family. So enjoy!
(I might upload a video of the first dance later)

 My mother-in-law made this beautiful cake, by the way!

 And those are all my beautiful bridesmaids. They all got their dresses at different places and I'm amazed how the colours match up so well!

There are so many people who made this day very, very special for us and we all had an absolute blast! Anyone in Ireland (especially around the east Cork/ Tipperary area) planning any kind of function should check out Kilcoran Lodge Hotel - that's where we had our wedding and the staff and especially Tommy who does all the functions are amazing!


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